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The former SAN group has been renamed to IRIS cluster. You will be redirected to the correct web page.

System Architecture and Networking

SAN logo - Link to larger version Imagine just any electronic system that is not somehow networked with other systems. Found one? Must be a pretty boring system then, since one of the fascinating developments of the last years is that devices of all form factors and functionality become connected. In our group we study parallel and distributed systems with an emphasis on pervasive systems or, as we call it, resource constrained networked embedded systems.

Resource constrained networked embedded system

Here is simplified picture of an RCNES. Research topics within SAN focus on distributed aspects of RCNES (middleware and networked services), on the platform (predictable and reliable resource management) and on efficient embedded computations (typical for signal processing). Research questions are, for example, how to build and manage applications composed from distributed services, how to perform distributed resource management. We pay a lot of attention to quality aspects, which include performance, predictability, dependability, programmability and security. A dominant issue in our work is therefore the architecture of these RCNES, in particular the software architecture, as this is where the quality aspects are addressed.

We relate our work to application domains which we see as vehicles for our research. Example application domains include distributed media systems, wireless sensor networks, automotive electronics and, more recently, lighting.

Much of our work is done in cooperation with industry through national and international projects. Have a look at our research page to see the projects we are involved in.

SAN is always interested to get into contact with motivated master students who want to do a PhD. Students should have a major in distributed systems (architecture), embedded systems or the like and have a strong interest in system software. For students with an interest in the design of software rather than doing research we refer to our Software Technology programme.

SAN is an expertise area within the capacity group Computer Science. Together with the Mathematics group these form the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology.

dayNames; } /* Set the array of strings used to label the days of the week. This array must contain seven elements, one for each day of the week. The first entry in this array represents Sunday. */ function setDayNames($names) { $this->dayNames = $names; } /* Get the array of strings used to label the months of the year. This array contains twelve elements, one for each month of the year. The first entry in this array represents January. */ function getMonthNames() { return $this->monthNames; } /* Set the array of strings used to label the months of the year. This array must contain twelve elements, one for each month of the year. The first entry in this array represents January. */ function setMonthNames($names) { $this->monthNames = $names; } /* Gets the start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column of the calendar. Sunday = 0. */ function getStartDay() { return $this->startDay; } /* Sets the start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column of the calendar. Sunday = 0. */ function setStartDay($day) { $this->startDay = $day; } /* Gets the start month of the year. This is the month that appears first in the year view. January = 1. */ function getStartMonth() { return $this->startMonth; } /* Sets the start month of the year. This is the month that appears first in the year view. January = 1. */ function setStartMonth($month) { $this->startMonth = $month; } /* Return the URL to link to in order to display a calendar for a given month/year. You must override this method if you want to activate the "forward" and "back" feature of the calendar. Note: If you return an empty string from this function, no navigation link will be displayed. This is the default behaviour. If the calendar is being displayed in "year" view, $month will be set to zero. */ function getCalendarLink($month, $year) { return ""; } /* Return the URL to link to for a given date. You must override this method if you want to activate the date linking feature of the calendar. Note: If you return an empty string from this function, no navigation link will be displayed. This is the default behaviour. */ function getDateLink($day, $month, $year) { return ""; } /* Return the HTML for the current month */ function getCurrentMonthView() { $d = getdate(time()); return $this->getMonthView($d["mon"], $d["year"]); } /* Return the HTML for the current year */ function getCurrentYearView() { $d = getdate(time()); return $this->getYearView($d["year"]); } /* Return the HTML for a specified month */ function getMonthView($month, $year) { return $this->getMonthHTML($month, $year); } /* Return the HTML for a specified year */ function getYearView($year) { return $this->getYearHTML($year); } /******************************************************************************** The rest are private methods. No user-servicable parts inside. You shouldn't need to call any of these functions directly. *********************************************************************************/ /* Calculate the number of days in a month, taking into account leap years. */ function getDaysInMonth($month, $year) { if ($month < 1 || $month > 12) { return 0; } $d = $this->daysInMonth[$month - 1]; if ($month == 2) { // Check for leap year // Forget the 4000 rule, I doubt I'll be around then... if ($year%4 == 0) { if ($year%100 == 0) { if ($year%400 == 0) { $d = 29; } } else { $d = 29; } } } return $d; } /* Generate the HTML for a given month */ function getMonthHTML($m, $y, $showYear = 1) { $s = ""; $a = $this->adjustDate($m, $y); $month = $a[0]; $year = $a[1]; $daysInMonth = $this->getDaysInMonth($month, $year); $date = getdate(mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $first = $date["wday"]; $monthName = $this->monthNames[$month - 1]; $prev = $this->adjustDate($month - 1, $year); $next = $this->adjustDate($month + 1, $year); if ($showYear == 1) { $prevMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($prev[0], $prev[1]); $nextMonth = $this->getCalendarLink($next[0], $next[1]); } else { $prevMonth = ""; $nextMonth = ""; } $header = $monthName . (($showYear > 0) ? " " . $year : ""); $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; // We need to work out what date to start at so that the first appears in the correct column $d = $this->startDay + 1 - $first; while ($d > 1) { $d -= 7; } // Make sure we know when today is, so that we can use a different CSS style $today = getdate(time()); while ($d <= $daysInMonth) { $s .= "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $class = ($year == $today["year"] && $month == $today["mon"] && $d == $today["mday"]) ? "calendarToday" : "calendar"; $s .= "\n"; $d++; } $s .= "\n"; } $s .= "
" . (($prevMonth == "") ? " " : "<<") . "$header" . (($nextMonth == "") ? " " : ">>") . "
" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+1)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+2)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+3)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+4)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+5)%7] . "" . $this->dayNames[($this->startDay+6)%7] . "
"; if ($d > 0 && $d <= $daysInMonth) { $link = $this->getDateLink($d, $month, $year); $s .= (($link == "") ? $d : "$d"); } else { $s .= " "; } $s .= "
\n"; return $s; } /* Generate the HTML for a given year */ function getYearHTML($year) { $s = ""; $prev = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year - 1); $next = $this->getCalendarLink(0, $year + 1); $s .= "\n"; $s .= ""; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= ""; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "\n"; $s .= "
" . (($prev == "") ? " " : "<<") . "" . (($this->startMonth > 1) ? $year . " - " . ($year + 1) : $year) ."" . (($next == "") ? " " : ">>") . "
" . $this->getMonthHTML(0 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(1 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(2 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."
" . $this->getMonthHTML(3 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(4 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(5 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."
" . $this->getMonthHTML(6 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(7 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(8 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."
" . $this->getMonthHTML(9 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(10 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."" . $this->getMonthHTML(11 + $this->startMonth, $year, 0) ."
\n"; return $s; } /* Adjust dates to allow months > 12 and < 0. Just adjust the years appropriately. e.g. Month 14 of the year 2001 is actually month 2 of year 2002. */ function adjustDate($month, $year) { $a = array(); $a[0] = $month; $a[1] = $year; while ($a[0] > 12) { $a[0] -= 12; $a[1]++; } while ($a[0] <= 0) { $a[0] += 12; $a[1]--; } return $a; } /* The start day of the week. This is the day that appears in the first column of the calendar. Sunday = 0. */ var $startDay = 0; /* The start month of the year. This is the month that appears in the first slot of the calendar in the year view. January = 1. */ var $startMonth = 1; /* The labels to display for the days of the week. The first entry in this array represents Sunday. */ var $dayNames = array("S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"); /* The labels to display for the months of the year. The first entry in this array represents January. */ var $monthNames = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); /* The number of days in each month. You're unlikely to want to change this... The first entry in this array represents January. */ var $daysInMonth = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); } ?>